ركن الاسلاميات للصغار باللغتين العربية والانجليزية

أركان الايمان                                                                                            Pillars of faith
قال رسول الله r عن الإيمان:

The prophet Mohammad said about faith:
1. أن تؤمن بالله.

1.      It is to Believe in Allah.
2. وملائكتــه.

2.      His angels.

3. وكتبـــه.

3.      His Books.

4. ورسلــه.

4.      His Prophets.

5. واليوم الآخر.

5.      The last day.

6. والقدر خيره وشره.

6.      And to believe in the divine destiny, both the good and the evil.


الله تعالى

Allah The Exalted
       §         الله تعالى هو خالقُ الإنسان والكون الذي فيه نعيش. وهو حيٌّ لا يموت كما أنّهُ يعلمُ كلّ شيءٍ وقادِرٌ على كلّ شيءٍ مهما كان.

   §  Allah is the creator of man, and the universe in which we live. He is everliving, he knows every thing, and he is Capable of doing every thing not matters what it was.
       §         إذا أراد اللهُ فِعلَ شيءٍ فإنه يقولُ لهذا الشيء: كُنْ. فيكون هذا الشيء كما أرادهُ الله وبُسرعةٍ فائقة. 

       §  If Allah wants something to happen, he orders it by saying: Be. Then it becomes so quickly.
       §         خلقَ اللهُ الإنسانَ في هذا الكون ليَعبده.

            §  Allah created man for worshipping him in this universe.
       §         أعطى اللهُ الإنسانَ القدرة على مُلك كل ما في الكون والتّصرف فيه.

      §  Allah gave man the power of own and control every thing in universe.
       §         خلقَ اللهُ الإنسانَ في أحسنِ شكلٍ حتّى يقدر على عبادةِ الله بأحسنِ شكلٍ ممكن.

      §  Allah created man in the best shape so that he can worship Allah in the best form.
       §         لا يمكن لأحدٍ أن يرى الله تعالى، وكلّ ما نتصوّره في خيالنا وعقولنا أنّهُ الله فيجب أن نعلم أن الله تعالى غير ذلك.

  §  No one can see Allah. And every shape or picture we imagine in our minds and we think that it is Allah we must know that Allah is not like that at all.
       §         لله تعالى تسعةً وتِسْعين اسماً لها معاني متعدّدة، ومنها: (الملكُ، القدّوس، السّلامُ، المؤمِنُ، الخالقُ، البارئُ، المصوّر…).

  §  Allah has ninety nine names with different meanings such as: (The King, The Holy, The Source of Peace, The Giver of Faith, The Creator, The Maker, The Shaper of all forms).
       §         يجب على المُسلم أن يؤمن بوجود الله تعالى وبأنه خالق كل شيء وقادِرٌ على كل شيء.

    §  Muslim must believe in Allah’s existence.
       §         يجب على المُسلم أن يحبّ الله تعالى أكثر من كل النّاس.

     §  Muslim must love Allah more than he loves every body.
       §         ويجب على المُسلم أن يحبّ الله تعالى أكثر مما يحبّ نفسه، وذلك لأنّ الله هو الذي خلقَهُ وجعلَ له العَينين والأُذنَين واللّسان وأَعْطاهُ أجمل وأفضل شكلٍ بين المخلوقات.

     §  Muslim must love Allah more than himself; that’s because Allah created him and gave him eyes, ears, tongue, and Allah also gave him the best shape among all creatures.



The Angels
   §   الملائكة: هم مخلوقات من النور، خلقهم الله تعالى لعبادته وطاعته ووهبهم القدرة على تغيير أشكالهم، كما جعل لهم أجنحة يطيرون بها.

  §  Angels are creatures of light, created by Allah, the Exalted for worshipping and obeying Him. Allah granted them the power to change their shapes, and provided them with wings to fly with.
   §   ليس هناك ذكور ولا إناث بين الملائكة، كما أنهم لا يأكلون ولا يشربون، وهم لا يعصون الله تعالى مهما أَمرَهم.

  §  There are no males or females among the angels, they neither eat nor drink, they never disobey Allah, the Exalted, whatsoever the matters were.
وللملائكة مجموعة من الصفات الجميلة منها:

Angels have some nice qualities such as:
1.      إنّهم مخلوقون من النُّور.

1.      They are made of light.
2.  إنَّ لهم أجنحةً يقدرون بها على الطيران.

2.      They have wings with which they are able to fly.
3.      إنَّ لديهم القدرَة على تغيير أشكالهم.

3.      They have the ability to change their shapes.
4.  أخفاهم اللهُ تعالى عن عيون الناس، فلا نستطيع أن نراهم إلاَّ إذا غيّروا أشكالهم.

4.      Allah concealed them from the eyes of humans, thus we cannot see them unless they change their shapes.
5.      إنَّ لديهم قدراتٍ خارقةً.

5.      They have superpowers.
6.      إنّهم لا يأكلون ولا يشربون.

6.      They neither eat nor drink.
7.  إنهم لا يتزوّجون وليس منهم ذكورٌ وإناث.

7.      They neither marry nor are there males or females among them.
       §         لقد خلق الله تعالى عدداً كبيراً من الملائكة وهذا العدد لا يعلمه إلا الله.

  §  Allah, The Exalted, created a large number of angels, a number only known by Allah.
       §         ذُكِرَت بعض أسماء هؤلاء الملائكة الكرام في القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة مثل (جبريل، ميكائيل، إسرافيل، مَلَك الموت، مَلَك الجِبال)

  §  Some names of these angels were mentioned in the Holy Quran and the sayings of the prophet, such as Gabriel, Mikael, Israfil, Angel of Death, Angel of Mountains.

وللملائكة وظائف عديدة منها:

Angles have many functions, such as:
1.    مراقبة الناس وكتابة أعمالهم كلها.

1.      Supervising the humans, and recording all their deeds.
2.    تنفيذ كل ما يأمرهم به الله تعالى.

2.      Execution of all whatever they are ordered by Allah.
3.  التسبيح لله تعالى طوال النهار والليل دون توقف.

3.      Commending Allah (Tasbeeh for Allah), day and night unceasingly.
4.    مساعدة المؤمنين في المعارك ضِدَّ الكافرين.

4.      Assisting true believers in battles against infidels.
5.    نفخ الروح في الإنسان عندما يكون جنيناً في بطن أمه.

5.      Blowing the soul into the body of the human when just an embryo into the belly of his mother.
6.    قبض أرواح الناس عند الموت.

6.      Releasing the souls of humans upon death.
7.  محاسبة الناس في قبورهم وسؤالهم عن الأعمال التي كانوا يقومون بها في حياتهم.

7.      Accounting people inside their graves and asking them about their deeds they have done during lives.
8.    حمل عرش الله سبحانه وتعالى.

8.      Holding the Throne of Allah, The Exalted.
9.  يقوم رئيس الملائكة وعظيمهم جبريل عليه السلام بنقل الرسالات السماوية من الله تعالى إلى الرسل، وهذا يُسّمى (الوحي).

9.      The Chief Angel, their leader, Gabriel (Peace be upon him) conveys the Divine Messages from Allah, the Exalted, to the Apostles, which is called revealing or “Wahi”.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بوجود الملائكة وبخلق الله لهم.

  §  The Muslim must believe in the existence of angels, and that Allah had created them.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يحب الملائكة لأنهم يطيعون الله تعالى.

  §  And he must love them, because they obey Allah, the Exalted.

الكتب السماوية

The Divine Books of Allah

الكتب السماوية: هي الكتب التي أنزلها الله تعالى من السماء على رسله ليهدي بها الناس إلى الخير والحق وعبادته تعالى.

The Divine Books are those revealed by Allah, the Exalted, from the Heaven upon his Prophets to guide people to the good, right and Worshipping him alone.
أنزل اللهُ تعالى هذه الكتب لحكم عديدةٍ منها:

Allah revealed these Books for too many wisdoms, such as:
1.  تعريف الناس بخالقهم تعالى ليؤمنوا به ويوحّدوه ويعبدوه.

1.      Letting humans know their Creator, Allah, the Exalted, so as to believe in Him, believe in his Oneness and worship Him.
2.    تعريف الناس بكيفية عبادة الله تعالى.

2.      Informing people how to worship Allah, the Exalted.
3.  ليستمدَّ الناسُ منها الأحكام والقوانين والتشريعات التي تسهَّل حياتهم وتُسيِّرُها بأفضل صورة.

3.      To drive rules, laws and legislations which facilitate their lives and manage them to the best possible manner.
4.  لتكون حكماً عادلاً بين الناس فيلجؤون إليها عند اختلافهم في الكثير من القضايا والمسائل.

4.      To be a fair Judge among people, when conflicts arise among them in so many issues and problems.
5.  ليأخذ الناسُ منها الحِكَمَ والمواعظ والأخلاق الحميدة.

5.      To enable people take from them wisdom, preaches, and best manners and morals.

   §   لقد غيَّر الناسُ وبدَّلوا كثيراً من الكلام الذي أنزله الله تعالى في بعض الكتب السماوية وهذا ما يسمى (التحريف).

     §  People had changed much of the words of Allah which were originally revealed in some Divine Books, an action called “Forging or Embezzling”.
   §   الكتاب السماويُّ الوحيد الذي وصل إلينا كما أنزله الله تعالى دون زيادةٍ أو نقصانٍ هو القرآن الكريم.

      §  The only Divine Holy Book that reached us without increase or decrease, just as revealed by Allah, the Exalted, is the Holy Quran
   §   الكتاب السماويُّ الوحيد الذي تعهَّد الله تعالى بحمايته وحفظه من التحريف هو (القرآن الكريم).

      §  The only Divine Holy Book that Allah secured its protection and safeguard against forging is the Holy Quarn;
   §   لقد أنزل الله تعالى عدداً كبيراً من الكتب السماوية وهذا العدد لا يعلمه إلا الله.

      §  Allah, the Exalted revealed many Divine Books, such number is only known by Allah;
لقد ذُكِرَت في القرآن الكريم أسماءُ ستةٍ فقط من هذه الكتب السماوية وهي:

There are six out of these Books were mentioned in the Holy Quran, namely:
1.  صُحُف إبراهيم:وهي الصحف التي أنزلها الله تعالى على رسوله إبراهيم. وفيها دعوةٌ إلى عباده وتوحيده سبحانه وتعالى.

1-  Abraham Sheets: The sheets revealed by Allah, the Exalted upon his prophet, Abraham. Therein was the call for worshipping Allah, the one, call for His Oneness, The Exalted.
2.  صُحُف موسى: وهي الصحف التي أنزلها الله تعالى على رسوله موسى.

2-  Moses Sheets: They are the sheets revealed by Allah, the Exalted upon his prophet, Moses.
3.  التوراة: وهي الكتاب الذي أنزله الله تعالى على رسوله موسى لهداية بني إسرائيل إلى الحق. ولكنهم حرفوه بعد وفاة موسى عليه السلام.

3-  Tawrat: Is the Holy Book revealed by Allah upon his prophet, Moses for the guidance of the Israelis to the right path and faith, but they embezzled it after the death of Moses, Peace be Upon Him.
4.  الزَّبُور: وهو الكتاب الذي أنزله الله تعالى على رسوله داود عليه السلام.

4-  Al Zabour: The Holy Book Revealed by Allah, the Exalted, upon his prophet Dawood (David), Peace be upon him.

5.  الإنجيل: وهو الكتاب الذي أنزله الله تعالى على رسوله عيسى، عليه السلام، لهداية قومه إلى الحق. ولكنهم حرَّفُوه بعد أن نجَّى الله تعالى عيسى عليه السلام من الصَّلب ورفعه إليه.

5-  The Bible: The Holy Book revealed by Allah upon his prophet, Jesus, Peace be upon him, for the guidance of his people to the right, but, they also embezzled it after Allah saved Jesus, Peace be upon him, from crucification; and Allah lifted Him to His side.
6.  القرآن الكريم: وهو الكتاب المُعجِزُ الذي أنزله الله تعالى على رسوله محمد r لهداية  الناس جميعاً إلى الحق والإيمان وجعله الله خاتماً للكتب السماوية كلها.

6-  The Holy Quran: The miraculous Holy Book revealed by Allah upon his prophet, Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, in order to guide all the humans on the Globe for the right path and faith. Allah made it the last of all the Holy Divine Books.

   §   يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بأن القرآن الكريم لخِّص جميع ما ورد في الكتب السماوية من أحكام وفوائد.

   §  The Muslim must believe in all the Divine Books, Allah revealed all of them exclusively.

   §   و يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بأن الله تعالى تكفل بحفظ القرآن الكريم من التحريف والتبديل.

    §  The Muslim must believe that the Holy Quran had summarized all what was prescribed and stated in the former Holy Divine Books of rules and benefits. And that Allah had warranted to preserve the Holy Quarn from being alternated, embezzled or changed.



الرسل: هم رجال صالحون أختارهم الله تعالى وأمرهم بتبليغ دينه ورسالته إلى الناس لقد أيَّدَ الله الرسلَ ببعض المعجزات التي تدل على صدقهم وتثبته للناس.

Prophets are good men chosen by Allah, the Exalted, and ordered by him to convey his religion and message to the humans. Allah had supported the prophets with some miracles which indicate their truth and credibility, and prove to the humans the right path.
هناك مجموعة من الأخلاق الحميدة والصفات الحسنة التي يتصف بها الرسل ومنها:

There is a pool of good conduct and characteristics of the prophets, such as:
1.  العِصمةُ من القتل: وهي تعني أن الله تعالى يحمي الرسل كلهم من القتل.

1-  Inviolability from being killed: which means Allah protects all the prophets from being killed.
2.  العِصمة من ارتكاب الذنوب والمعاصي: وهي تعني أن الله نَزَّه الرسلَ ورفعهم عن الوقوع في المعاصي والذنوب.

2-  Inviolability from committing sins and bad acts: which means Allah had sublimed them and avoided them committing sins and bad deeds.
3.  العِصمة في تبليغ الرسالة: وهي تعني أنَّ الرسل يبلِّغون النَّاسَ رسالة الله تعالى كما هي دون أن يزيدوا عليها أو يُنقِصُوا منها حرفاً واحداً.

3-  Inviolability in conveying the message of Allah: which means that they convey the message of Allah as it is, without any increase or decrease even in one single letter.
4.  الذَّكاءُ؛ فالرُّسلُ جميعاً أشخاص أذكياء جداً شديدو الفهم وعندهم القدرة على إقناع الناس برسالة الله التي يدعونهم إليها.

4-  Intelligence: all the prophets are intelligent, very smart people, very understanding and comprehending, they have the ability to persuade other of the message of Allah they are calling for.
5.  الأمانة؛ فالرسل أُمناء لا يخلِفُون وعودهم ولا ينقضون عهودهم.

5-  Trustworthy: All the prophets are trustworthy. Never break their promises, nor they violate their commitments.
   §   لقد بعث الله تعالى عدداً كبيراً من الرُّسل من عهدِ آدم، عليه السلام، إلى عهد محمد r، وهذا العدد لا يعلمه إلاَّ الله تعالى. من هؤلاء الرسل عليهم السلام.

   §  Allah, the Exalted, selected too many prophets since the time of Adam, Peace be Upon Him, till the time of Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him only. Allah knows this number.

   §   ذكرت أسماء خمسة وعشرين رسولاً فقط في القرآن الكريم.

  §  Among these prophets only twenty-five were given mention to in the Holy Quran.
   §   جميع الرسل من الرجال وليست هناك نُبَّوة بين النساء، ولكن يوجد الكثير الكثير من النساء الصالحات الكريمات المؤمنات حدَّثنَا اللهُ تعالى عنهنَّ في القرآن الكريم مثل (مريم بنت عمران، وهاجر زوجة أبينا إبراهيم، وزوجة فرعون).

  §  All the prophets were men, there is no single female prophet. But there is a lot of good women, generous, good believers, Allah, the Exalted talked about in the Holy Quran, such as Mariam, daughter of Imran, Hajar, wife of our Father, Abraham, the wife of the Faro…
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بجميع الرسل الذين بعثهم الله تعالى.

  §  The Muslim must believe in all the prophets who were sent by Allah.
   §   جاء الرسل على اختلاف الأزمان والأماكن بدعوة واحدة هي توحيد الله وعبادته.

  §  All the prophets came, though different in times and places, with the same message, belief in one Allah, and worship that One Allah, alone.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يحبَّ جميع الرسل الذين بعثهم الله تعالى.

  §  The Muslim must like all the prophets being sent by Allah.


اليوم الآخر

The Judgement Day
اليوم الآخر: هو آخر يومٍ في الحياة الدنيا، وأول يومٍ في الحياة الآخرة.

The Judgement Day: Is the last day of this universe life, and will be the first day of the everlasting life.
   §   فيه تنتهي حياة المخلوقات على الأرض فيُميتُهُم اللهُ تعالى ثم يبعثهم من قبورهم و يحشرهم ليَبدأ مُحاسَبتهم على أعمالهم كلها، فيدخل المؤمنين الجنة ويدخل الكافرين النار.

 §     On that day, life of the creatures come to an end on earth, and Allah shall turn them dead, then He resurrects them from their graves, and gathers them in order to start accounting them for, all their deeds in there life, Believers will enter the Paradise, and non-believers will enter Hell.
   §   لا يعلم أيُّ مِن المخلوقات موعد اليوم الآخر. وقد أخفى الله تعالى عنهم موعد هذا اليوم ليكونوا مستعدين له دائماً.

     §     No creature at all knows the timing of the Judgement Day. Allah, the Exalted, concealed the time of that day in order to be ready for it always.
تحدث في هذا اليوم أمورٌ كثيرةٌ هامّةٌ منها:

That day, too many important things take place, such as:
1.  يأمر الله تعالى المَلَكَ أن ينفخ في بوقه فيموت الخلُق كلُّهم بِمَن فيهم هذا الملك. وهذه تسمَّى (نفخة الإماتة).

1-      Allah, the Exalted, orders the Angel to blow into the trumpet (horn), a sound is ensued that will turn all the creatures dead, including the angel himself. This blow is called the “Mortality Blow”.
2.  بعد فترةٍ مجهولةٍ من الزمن يُحيي الله تعالى هذا المَلَكَ ويأمره أن ينفخ في البوق نفسَه ثانيةً، فيحيا الخلقُ كلُّهم وهذه تسمَّى (نفخة البعث).

2-      After an unknown period, Allah, the Exalted, resurrects this angel, and orders him to blow into the same trumpet once more, then all the creatures will resurrect. This blow is called the “Revival or Resurrection Blow”.
3.  يخرج الناس من قبورهم بأرواحهم وأجسادهم مذعورين خائفين وهذا الخروج يُسمَّى (البعث).

3-      Humans get out of their graves with their souls and bodies, frightened, scared, and this coming out is called “Resurrection”.
4.  ينشر الناسُ بعد ذلك عُراةً حفاةً خائفين لا يدري أي منهم إلى أين يهرب أو يسير. وهذا يُسمَّى (النُّشور).

4-      People then spread over, shoeless, naked, afraid, nobody knows to escape nowhere, walk anywhere, and this is called “Spread-over”.

5.  يجمع اللهُ تعالى الناس كلهم ويحشرهم ثم يسوقهم للوقوف بين يديه. وهذا يُسمَّى (الحشر).

5-      Allah, the Exalted, gathers, all people, corners them and then drives them to stand in front of Him, and this is called Gathering and Collecting.
6.  يقف الناس وقتاً طويلاً بين يدي الله تعالى صفوفاً صفوفاً من أجل الحساب، وهم خائفون مرعوبون. وهذا يسمى (العرض).

6-      People stand long in front Allah, the Exalted, rows after rows, for being accounted. They will all be afraid, terrified, and this is called the “Exhibition”.
7.  ملاحظة: في يوم القيامة تقترب الشمس من رؤوس الناس حتى يكون بينها وبينهم مسافة ميل، فيغرق الناس في العرق حسب أعمالهم، فمنهم من يغرق جزء منه ومنهم من يغرق كله.

7-      PS.: On the Judgement Day, the Sun comes close to the heads of the creatures, until it is only one mile far off. Then people proportionally soak in sweat as per their deeds in their lives; some shall have a part of his body sinking in sweat, some will have their full body sunk in sweat.
8.  يرجو الرسولَ محمدٌ rالله تعالى أن يُعّجِّل للناس بالحساب وأن يرحم المؤمنين ويخفِّفَ عنهم خوفهم من هذا الموقف العصيب المُخيف وهذا يُسمَّى (الشفاعة الصُّغرى).

8-      Prophet, Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, requests Allah, the Exalted, to hasten the accounting of the humans and grant mercy to the believers, lessens their terror of that very difficult, horrible situation. And this is called the “Minor Advocacy or Intercession”.
9.  يسأل اللهُ تعالى الناس عن أعمالهم التي كانوا يقومون بها في الحياة الدنيا، ويكون هذا سهلاً على المؤمنين، صعباً شديداً على الكافرين و هذا يُسمَّى (الحِسَاب).

9-      Allah, the Exalted, asks people about their acts and deeds which they did in their life. Such a question will be too easy for believers, too difficult for non-believers. And this is called “The Accounting Day”.
10.    يُوَزَّنُ اللهُ تعالى أعمالَ الناس في ميزانٍ حسّاسٍ دَقيقٍ جداً قادرٍ على توزين الذرة. فيضع الله تعالى أعمال الإنسان مِن خيرٍ في كفّةِ الميزان، ويضع أعمَال الإنسان مِن شَرٍّ في الكَّفة الأخرى فَمَن كانت كفُّة حسناته أثقل كان من أهل الجنة، ومن كانت كفّةُ سيئاته أثقل كان مِن أهل النَّار.

10- Allah, the Exalted, weighs the deeds of people with a very sensitive balance, very accurate, able to weigh the atom. Allah, the Exalted put the good deeds of the human in one scale, and the bad deeds and sins in the other. Whose good deeds were heavier shall be of the Paradise populate, and whose bad deeds were heavier shall be of the Hell populate.

11.    بعد توزين أعمال الناس ينصبُ الله تعالى جسراً مستقيماً عِملاقاً فوقَ النَّار وفوق الجنَّة، لِيَمُرَّ عليه الخلُق؛ فَمن كان من أهل الجنة مرَّ عليه بسرعةٍ وسهولةٍ واستمر في مروره حتى يصل إلى الجنة. ومَن كان من أهل النار مرَّ عليه ببطءٍ وصعوبةٍ ولم يقدر على اٌجتيازه فيقع في النار، وهـذا الجسر يسمى (الصِّراط).

11- After weighing the deeds of people, Allah, the Exalted, erects a giant straight bridge over the Paradise and over the Hell, so that humans will pass over. Who is predestined to be of the Paradise populate, will pass over smoothly and quickly and will continue passing over till he arrives the Paradise. On the contrary, who is predestined for Hell, will pass over slowly, with difficulty, and will never be able to complete passing over, and will fall into fire. This Bridge is called “The Straight Path”.
تحدث في هذا اليوم أمورً مخيفةٌ ومرعبةٌ كثيرةٌ منها:

That day fearful and horrible things take place such as:
   §   تَشَّقُق السماوات وتناثُر الكواكب والنجوم وسف الجبال واٌختفاؤها ويدب الرعب في قلوب الناس حتى أن المرأة الحامل يسقط جنينها مِن شدِّة خوفها

  §  The heaven shall crack, the orbits and starts shall spread over, and the mountains shall be leveled with the ground and shall disappear. Fear dominates the hearts of the creatures to the extent the pregnant woman shall miscarry her baby due to the countless amounts of horror.

لليوم الآخر أسماء متعددةٌ منها:

The Judgement Day has many names, such as:
الساعة، يوم القيامة، يوم التغابن، الحاقة، القارعة، الواقعة

The Hour, Resurrection Day, Envying Day, The Right Day, the Banging Day, The Falling.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن باليوم الآخر وأن يستعدَّ له وذلك بأن يعمل الأعمال التي يحبها الله تعالى والتي تكون سبباً لدخول الجنة والنجاة من النار.

     §  The Muslim must believe in the Judgement day and prepare himself to. This will be achieved by performing works liked by Allah, the Exalted, which will be the cause for entering into the Paradise, and avoidance of the Hell.


Divine Destiny
   §   القدر: يعني أنَّ كلَّ ما حدث ويحدث وسيحدث في هذا الوجود من أقوالٍ وأعمالٍ وأحداثٍ وخلقٍ وإماتةٍ، إنما يجري وفق علم الله تعالى وإرادته.

        §  Destiny means that all what happened, happening and will happen in this universe, of sayings, deeds, events, creation, mortality, etc, are performed in conformity with the knowledge of Allah, the Exalted and His Wish as well.
   §   لقد قدَّرَ اللهُ تعالى الأشياء حسبَ علمه الكامل، وهو يعلم ما سوف تكون عليه قبل وقوعها وأثناء وقوعها وبعد وقوعها.

   §  Allah, the Exalted, measured and determined the things as per his full knowledge. He knows what things will be before happening, during and after happening.
   §   لا يمكن أن تحدث الأشياء إلاّ وِفقَ علمِ الله تعالى وإرادته.

  §  Things cannot happen without the knowledge and will of Allah, the Exalted.
   §   إنَّ الله تعالى يحاسبُ الإنسانَ على كلِّ ما يقوم به مِن أعمال بإرادته واختياره فقط، مثل الصلاة والصوم والأكل والشرب فهذه الأعمال كلها تتم بإرادة الإنسان واٌختياره.

    §  Allah, the Exalted, accounts the humans for all whatever they do of acts, at his (human’s) own volition, choice and will, only. Such as prayer, fasting, eating, drinking; all these things are done under the volition and choice of the human himself.
   §   لا يحاسبُ اللهُ تعالى الإنسانَ عن الأمور التي ليس له فيها مجال للاختيار، مثل طوله واسمه ولون عينيه ومرضه ووقت موته، فهذه الأمور كلها ليس للإنسان فيها اٌختيار.

        §  Allah, the Exalted, shall not account humans for things where they have no choice to select, such as one’s height, name, color of eyes, sickness, time of death. All these things are not chosen by humans.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بقدر الله تعالى وأن يرضى بكل ما يقدّره سبحانه وتعالى مهما كان، فإن أصابه الخيرُ شَكَرَ لله تعالى، وإن أصابه الشر صبر لله تعالى، الحالتين خيرٌ له.

     §  The Muslim must believe in the destiny of Allah, the Exalted, and accept all what is predestined for him, whatsoever. If good were they, he has to thank Allah for them, and this is good, and if bad, he has to be patient, and in both cases, good is the fruit for the human. 

                                                                                               د.راجح السباتين

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



The Six Pillars

of Faith

Dr. Rajeh Sabateen

The prophet Mohammad said about faith:
1.      It is to Believe in Allah
2.      His angels.
3.      His Books.
4.      His Prophets.
5.      The last day.
6.      And to believe in the divine destiny, both the good and the evil.  

Allah The Exalted
-         Allah is the creator of man, and the universe in which we live. He is everliving, he knows every thing, and he is Capable of doing every thing not matters what it was.
-         If Allah wants something to happen, he orders it by saying: Be. Then it becomes so quickly.
-         Allah created man for worshipping him in this universe.
-         Allah gave man the power of own and control every thing in universe.
-         Allah created man in the best shape so that he can worship Allah in the best form.
-         No one can see Allah. And every shape or picture we imagine in our minds and we think that it is Allah we must know that Allah is not like that at all.
-         Allah has ninety nine names with different meanings such as: (The King, The Holy, The Source of Peace, The Giver of Faith, The Creator, The Maker, The Shaper of all forms).
-         Muslim must believe in Allah’s existence.
-         Muslim must love Allah more than he loves every body.
-         Muslim must love Allah more than himself; that’s because Allah created him and gave him eyes, ears, tongue, and Allah also gave him the best shape among all creatures.

The Angels
·                 Angels are creatures of light, created by Allah, the Exalted for worshipping and obeying Him. Allah granted them the power to change their shapes, and provided them with wings to fly with.
·                 There are no males or females among the angels, they neither eat nor drink, they never disobey Allah, the Exalted, whatsoever the matters were.
          Angels have some nice qualities such as:
1.                    They are made of light.
2.                    They have wings with which they are able to fly.
3.                    They have the ability to change their shapes.
4.                    Allah concealed them from the eyes of humans, thus we cannot see them unless they change their shapes.
5.                    They have superpowers.
6.                    They neither eat nor drink.
7.                    They neither marry nor are there males or females among them.
·                 Allah, The Exalted, created a large number of angels, a number only known by Allah.
·                 Some names of these angels were mentioned in the Holy Quran and the sayings of the prophet, such as Gabriel, Mikael, Israfil, Angel of Death, Angel of Mountains.
Angles have many functions, such as:
1.                  Supervising the humans, and recording all their deeds.
2.                  Execution of all whatever they are ordered by Allah.
3.                  Commending Allah (Tasbeeh for Allah), day and night unceasingly.
4.                  Assisting true believers in battles against infidels.
5.                  Blowing the soul into the body of the human when just an embryo into the belly of his mother.
6.                  Releasing the souls of humans upon death.
7.                  Accounting people inside their graves and asking them about their deeds they have done during lives.
8.                  Holding the Throne of Allah, The Exalted.
9.                  The Chief Angel, their leader, Gabriel (Peace be upon him) conveys the Divine Messages from Allah, the Exalted, to the Apostles, which is called revealing or “Wahi”.
·                 The Muslim must believe in the existence of angels, and that Allah had created them, and he must love them, because they obey Allah, the Exalted.

The Divine Books of Allah

-         The Divine Books are those revealed by Allah, the Exalted, from the Heaven upon his Prophets to guide people to the good, right and Worshipping him alone.
-         Allah revealed these Books for too many wisdoms, such as:
1.                    Letting humans know their Creator, Allah, the Exalted, so as to believe in Him, believe in his Oneness and worship Him.
2.                    Informing people how to worship Allah, the Exalted.
3.                    To drive rules, laws and legislations which facilitate their lives and manage them to the best possible manner.
4.                    To be a fair Judge among people, when conflicts arise among them in so many issues and problems.
5.                    To enable people take from them wisdom, preaches, and best manners and morals.
·                 People had changed much of the words of Allah which were originally revealed in some Divine Books, an action called “Forging or Embezzling”.
-         The only Divine Holy Book that reached us without increase or decrease, just as revealed by Allah, the Exalted, is the Holy Quran
-         The only Divine Holy Book that Allah secured its protection and safeguard against forging is the Holy Quarn;
-         Allah, the Exalted revealed many Divine Books, such number is only known by Allah;

There are six out of these Books were mentioned in the Holy Quran, namely:
1-                Abraham Sheets: The sheets revealed by Allah, the Exalted upon his prophet, Abraham. Therein was the call for worshipping Allah, the one, call for His Oneness, The Exalted.
2-                Moses Sheets: They are the sheets revealed by Allah, the Exalted upon his prophet, Moses.
3-                Tawrat: Is the Holy Book revealed by Allah upon his prophet, Moses for the guidance of the Israelis to the right path and faith, but they embezzled it after the death of Moses, Peace be Upon Him.
4-                Al Zabour: The Holy Book Revealed by Allah, the Exalted, upon his prophet Dawood (David), Peace be upon him.
5-                The Bible: The Holy Book revealed by Allah upon his prophet, Jesus, Peace be upon him, for the guidance of his people to the right, but, they also embezzled it after Allah saved Jesus, Peace be upon him, from crucification; and Allah lifted Him to His side.
6-                The Holy Quran: The miraculous Holy Book revealed by Allah upon his prophet, Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, in order to guide all the humans on the Globe for the right path and faith. Allah made it the last of all the Holy Divine Books.
·                 The Muslim must believe in all the Divine Books, Allah revealed all of them exclusively.
·                 The Muslim must believe that the Holy Quran had summarized all what was prescribed and stated in the former Holy Divine Books of rules and benefits. And that Allah had warranted to preserve the Holy Quarn from being alternated, embezzled or changed.

The Prophets
·                 Prophets are good men chosen by Allah, the Exalted, and ordered by him to convey his religion and message to the humans. Allah had supported the prophets with some miracles which indicate their truth and credibility, and prove to the humans the right path.

There is a pool of good conduct and characteristics of the prophets, such as:
1-                Inviolability from being killed: which means Allah protects all the prophets from being killed.
2-                Inviolability from committing sins and bad acts: which means Allah had sublimed them and avoided them committing sins and bad deeds.
3-                Inviolability in conveying the message of Allah: which means that they convey the message of Allah as it is, without any increase or decrease even in one single letter.
4-                Intelligence: all the prophets are intelligent, very smart people, very understanding and comprehending, they have the ability to persuade other of the message of Allah they are calling for.
5-                Trustworthy: All the prophets are trustworthy. Never break their promises, nor they violate their commitments.
·                 Allah, the Exalted, selected too many prophets since the time of Adam, Peace be Upon Him, till the time of Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him only. Allah knows this number.
·                 Among these prophets only twenty-five were given mention to in the Holy Quran.
·                 All the prophets were men, there is no single female prophet. But there is a lot of good women, generous, good believers, Allah, the Exalted talked about in the Holy Quran, such as Mariam, daughter of Imran, Hajar, wife of our Father, Abraham, the wife of the Faro…
·                 The Muslim must believe in all the prophets who were sent by Allah.
·                 All the prophets came, though different in times and places, with the same message, belief in one Allah, and worship that One Allah, alone.
·                 The Muslim must like all the prophets being sent by Allah.

The Last Day
The Judgement Day
The Judgement Day: Is the last day of this universe life, and will be the first day of the everlasting life. On that day, life of the creatures come to an end on earth, and Allah shall turn them dead, then He resurrects them from their graves, and gathers them in order to start accounting them for, all their deeds in there life, Believers will enter the Paradise, and non-believers will enter Hell.
No creature at all knows the timing of the Judgement Day. Allah, the Exalted, concealed the time of that day in order to be ready for it always.

That day, too many important things take place, such as:
1-                Allah, the Exalted, orders the Angel to blow into the trumpet (horn), a sound is ensued that will turn all the creatures dead, including the angel himself. This blow is called the “Mortality Blow”.
2-                After an unknown period, Allah, the Exalted, resurrects this angel, and orders him to blow into the same trumpet once more, then all the creatures will resurrect. This blow is called the “Revival or Resurrection Blow”.
3-                Humans get out of their graves with their souls and bodies, frightened, scared, and this coming out is called “Resurrection”.
4-                People then spread over, shoeless, naked, afraid, nobody knows to escape nowhere, walk anywhere, and this is called “Spread-over”.
5-                Allah, the Exalted, gathers, all people, corners them and then drives them to stand in front of Him, and this is called Gathering and Collecting.
6-                People stand long in front Allah, the Exalted, rows after rows, for being accounted. They will all be afraid, terrified, and this is called the “Exhibition”.
7-                On the Judgement Day, the Sun comes close to the heads of the creatures, until it is only one mile far off. Then people proportionally soak in sweat as per their deeds in their lives; some shall have a part of his body sinking in sweat, some will have their full body sunk in sweat.
8-                Prophet, Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, requests Allah, the Exalted, to hasten the accounting of the humans and grant mercy to the believers, lessens their terror of that very difficult, horrible situation. And this is called the “Minor Advocacy or Intercession”.
9-                Allah, the Exalted, asks people about their acts and deeds which they did in their life. Such a question will be too easy for believers, too difficult for non-believers. And this is called “The Accounting Day”.
10-           Allah, the Exalted, weighs the deeds of people with a very sensitive balance, very accurate, able to weigh the atom. Allah, the Exalted put the good deeds of the human in one scale, and the bad deeds and sins in the other. Whose good deeds were heavier shall be of the Paradise populate, and whose bad deeds were heavier shall be of the Hell populate.
11-           After weighing the deeds of people, Allah, the Exalted, erects a giant straight bridge over the Paradise and over the Hell, so that humans will pass over. Who is predestined to be of the Paradise populate, will pass over smoothly and quickly and will continue passing over till he arrives the Paradise. On the contrary, who is predestined for Hell, will pass over slowly, with difficulty, and will never be able to complete passing over, and will fall into fire. This Bridge is called “The Straight Path”.

That day fearful and horrible things take place such as:
The heaven shall crack, the orbits and starts shall spread over, and the mountains shall be leveled with the ground and shall disappear. Fear dominates the hearts of the creatures to the extent the pregnant woman shall miscarry her baby due to the countless amounts of horror.

The Judgement Day has many names, such as:
·                 The Hour, Resurrection Day, Envying Day, The Right Day, the Banging Day, The Falling.
·                 The Muslim must believe in the Judgement day and prepare himself to. This will be achieved by performing works liked by Allah, the Exalted, which will be the cause for entering into the Paradise, and avoidance of the Hell.

The Divine Destiny
·                 Destiny means that all what happened, happening and will happen in this universe, of sayings, deeds, events, creation, mortality, etc, are performed in conformity with the knowledge of Allah, the Exalted and His Wish as well.
·                 Allah, the Exalted, measured and determined the things as per his full knowledge. He knows what things will be before happening, during and after happening.
·                 Things cannot happen without the knowledge and will of Allah, the Exalted.
·                 Allah, the Exalted, accounts the humans for all whatever they do of acts, at his (human’s) own volition, choice and will, only. Such as prayer, fasting, eating, drinking; all these things are done under the volition and choice of the human himself.
·                 Allah, the Exalted, shall not account humans for things where they have no choice to select, such as one’s height, name, color of eyes, sickness, time of death. All these things are not chosen by humans.
·                 The Muslim must believe in the destiny of Allah, the Exalted, and accept all what is predestined for him, whatsoever. If good were they, he has to thank Allah for them, and this is good, and if bad, he has to be patient, and in both cases, good is the fruit for the human.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



Calling on Allah

Dr. Rajeh Sabateen

Calling Allah

·                 Calling on Allah is the act in which the human requests Allah, the Exalted success, assistance, and mercy as well as achieving his demands and requirements in both the life and the other life (after the Judgement Day).
·                 Calling on Allah is the most important part of worshipping in Islam.
·                 Allah, the Exalted, likes people beg and request Him. He promised the believers that He will respond to their prayer.
And, in order to that Allah respond to the prayer, it is inevitably required to observe the following:
1.                    The Muslim must be always implementing the orders of Allah, and takes care to get far from (the prohibited) Haram and bad deeds.
2.                    Muslim must be confidant that Allah will respond to his prayer.
3.                    Calling on Allah must be for good and achieving the good, not for evil or devilish deeds.
4.                    Muslim should repeat his calling on Allah times and times, and never hastens response.
The Muslim must resort to request and beg Allah in all his situations, when he is rich, poor, healthy, sick, happy, sad, not only when he falls in troubles and calamities.
Calling on Allah is very important to the Muslim and it has many advantages:
A-          It makes Muslim on direct and continuous contact with Allah.
B-          It causes bringing in the good and pushing the bad away.
C-          It causes the comfort and placid feeling of the Muslims.
D-          It teaches Muslim to be patient.
Allah, The Exalted, responds to the prayers and their calling on him through one of the following forms:
1.                    Direct response of Allah, the Exalted.
2.                    Belated response of Allah, the Exalted after a while.
3.                    That Allah may prevent the evil and keep it away from the person performing the prayer, instead of the good he requested Allah to realize.
4.                    Allah may transform the call into merits given to the Muslim on the Judgement Day.
·                 The Muslim must always calling on Allah and ought be at full confidence in Allah, the Exalted.
·                 The Muslim calls on Allah for himself, his parents and all the Muslims for following the right path, mercy and forgiveness.

What Shall we say when we go out?
When you go out of your house say: In the name of Allah, there is no might no strength except with Allah.

What Shall we say when passing by the people?
When passing by the people say: The peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you.

What Shall we say when we are angry?
 When anger say: O, living. O, self-subsisting (supporter of all) I call for the help of your mercy.

What Shall we say when having food?
When having food say: O, Loard bless what you had given us and protect us from the chastisement of fire. In the name of Allah.

What Shall we say when some body does us a favour?
When some body does you a favour say: I ask god to reward you with the very best.

What Shall we say after prayer?
After each prayer say: O, Loard help me in remembering you and worshipping you in the best manner.

What Shall we say when we like something?
When seeing what you like say: praise be to Allah, with the bounty of whom righteous – deeds are complete.

What Shall we say when we are visiting sick?
When visiting the sick say: I ask the great Allah, god of throne to cure you.

What Shall we say when we go to sleep?
When sleeping say: O, Loard in your name, I live and die.

What Shall we say when we enter the mosque?
When Entering the mosque say: In the name of Allah. O, Loard bless Mohammad O, Loard forgive me for my sins and open to me the doors of your mercy.

What Shall we say when we leave the mosque?
When leaving the mosque say: In the name of Allah. O, Loard bless Mohammad.
O, Loard forgive me for my sins and open to me the doors of your credit.

What Shall we say when we look at the sky?
When you look at the sky say: O, Our Loard Not for naught you created all this. Glory to you, Give us salvation from the chastisement of the fire.

What Shall we say when we sneeze?
If your Muslim brother sneezed and said: praise be to Allah. You must say to him: Allah bestow his mercy on you.


Calling Allah

   §   الدعاء: هو أن يسأل الإنسان الله سبحانه وتعالى التوفيق والعون والرحمة وتحقيق المطالب والحاجات في الدنيا والآخرة.

§     Calling on Allah is the act in which the human requests Allah, the Exalted success, assistance, and mercy as well as achieving his demands and requirements in both the life and the other life (after the Judgement Day).
   §   الدعاء هو أهمُّ جزءٍ من أجزاء العبادة في الإسلام.

§     Calling on Allah is the most important part of worshipping in Islam.
   §   يحب الله تعالى أن يدعوه الناس، وقد وعد المؤمنين بالاستجابة لدعائهم.

§     Allah, the Exalted, likes people beg and request Him. He promised the believers that He will respond to their prayer.
وحتى يستجيب الله للدعاء فلا بد مما يلي:

And, in order to that Allah respond to the prayer, it is inevitably required to observe the following:
1.  أن يكون المسلم دائم التنفيذ لأوامر الله تعالى ويحرص على الابتعاد عن الحرام والأعمال السيئة.

1.                    The Muslim must be always implementing the orders of Allah, and takes care to get far from (the prohibited) Haram and bad deeds.
2.  أن يكون المسلم على ثِقةٍ بأن الله تعالى سوف يستجيب لدعائه.

2.                    Muslim must be confidant that Allah will respond to his prayer.
3.  أن يكون الدعاء بالخير وتحقيق الصالحات لا بالشرِّ والحرام.

3.                    Calling on Allah must be for good and achieving the good, not for evil or devilish deeds.
4.  أن يكرر المسلم دعاءه مراتٍ ومراتٍ ولا يستعجل الإجابة.

4.                    Muslim should repeat his calling on Allah times and times, and never hastens response.
   §   يجب أن يلجأ المسلم لدعاء الله تعالى في أحواله كلها؛ حين الغِنى والفقر، وحين الصحّة والمَرَض، وحين السعادة والحزن.. وليس فقط حين الوقوع في المصائب والمشكلات.

      §  The Muslim must resort to request and beg Allah in all his situations, when he is rich, poor, healthy, sick, happy, sad, not only when he falls in troubles and calamities.
الدعاء مهم جداً للمسلم وله فوائد كثيرة منها:

Calling on Allah is very important to the Muslim and it has many advantages:
أ. إنه يجعل المسلم على اتصال دائم بالله تعالى.

A-              It makes Muslim on direct and continuous contact with Allah.
ب. إنه سبب لجلب الخير ودفع الشر.

B-               It causes bringing in the good and pushing the bad away.
ج. إنه سبب لشعور المسلم بالراحة والطمأنينة.

C-               It causes the comfort and placid feeling of the Muslims.
د. إنه يُعلِّمُ المسلم الصبر.

D-              It teaches Muslim to be patient.
يستجيب الله تعالى للدّعاء بواحدٍ من الأشكال الآتية:

Allah, The Exalted, responds to the prayers and their calling on him through one of the following forms:
1.    أن يستجيب الله تعالى للدّعاء مُباشَرةً.

1.                    Direct response of Allah, the Exalted.
2.  أن يستجيب الله تعالى للدّعاء بعد فترةٍ من الزمن.

2.                    Belated response of Allah, the Exalted after a while.
3.  أن يصرف اللهُ الشرَّ عن صاحب الدعاء بدلاً من الخير الذي طلبه.

3.                    That Allah may prevent the evil and keep it away from the person performing the prayer, instead of the good he requested Allah to realize.
4.  أن يحوِّلَ الله الدعاء إلى حسناتٍ يُعطيها لصاحب الدعاء يوم القيامة.

4.                    Allah may transform the call into merits given to the Muslim on the Judgement Day.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يدعو الله تعالى دائماً وأن يكون على ثقةٍ كاملةٍ بالله سبحانه وتعالى.

§     The Muslim must always calling on Allah and ought be at full confidence in Allah, the Exalted.
   §   المسلم يدعو لوالديه وللمسلمين بالهداية والرحمة والمغفرة.

§     The Muslim calls on Allah for himself, his parents and all the Muslims for following the right path, mercy and forgiveness.
من الأمثلة على الدعاء

Examples of calling on Allah

مَاذا نقول عِنْدَ الخُروج مِنَ المَنْزِل؟

What Shall we say when we go out?

عندَ الخُرُوج من المنزل قلْ: بسمِ الله، توكلتُ على الله ولا حَولَ ولا قوّةَ إلاّ بالله.
When you go out of your house say: In the name of Allah, there is no might no strength except with Allah.




مَاذا نقولُ عندَ المرورِ على النَّاس؟

What Shall we say when passing by the people?

عند المُرور على الناس قُلْ: السّلامُ عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
When passing by the people say: The peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you.

ماذا نقولُ عندَ الغَضَب؟

What Shall we say when we are angry?

عند الشّدة والغَضب قُلْ: يا حيُّ، يا قيّومُ برحمتِكَ أستغيثُ.
When anger say: O, living. O, self-subsisting (supporter of all) I call for the help of your mercy.




مَاذا نقولُ عندَ تناول الطَّعام؟

What Shall we say when having food?

عند تناول الطّعام قُلْ: اللهُمَّ بَارِكْ لنا فيما رزقتَنا وَقِنا عذابَ النار. بسم الله.
When having food say: O, Loard bless what you had given us and protect us from the chastisement of fire. In the name of Allah.

مَاذا نقولُ لمن عملَ معَنا معرُوفاً؟

What Shall we say when some body does us a favour?

إذا  عَمِل أحدٌ معكَ معروفاً فقلْ: جَزَاك اللهُ خيرا.
When some body does you a favour say: I ask god to reward you with the very best.




ماذا نقولُ بعدَ الصلاة؟

What Shall we say after prayer?

بعدَ كُل صلاةٍ قلْ: اللهمَّ أعنّي على ذِكركَ وشُكركَ وحُسنِ عِبادتِك.
After each prayer say: O, Loard help me in remembering you and worshipping you in the best manner. 

ماذا نقولُ عندَ رؤية ما يُعجبُنَا؟

What Shall we say when we like something?

عندَ رُؤية ما يعجبُكَ قُلْ: الحمدُ لله الذي تتمُّ بنعمتِه الصَّالحاتُ.
When seeing what you like say: praise be to Allah, with the bounty of whom righteous – deeds are complete.



ماذا نقولُ عندَ زيارةِ المريض؟

What Shall we say when we are visiting sick?

عند زيارة المريض قُلْ: أسألُ اللهَ العظيم ربَّ العرشِ العظيمِ أن يشفيك.
When visiting the sick say: I ask the great Allah, god of throne to cure you.

ماذا نقولُ عندَ النَّوم؟

What Shall we say when we go to sleep?

عند النَّوم قُلْ: باسمِكَ اللهُمَّ أَحيَا وأموت.
When sleeping say: O, Loard in your name, I live and die.


ماذا نقولُ عندَ دخولِ المسجد؟

What Shall we say when we enter the mosque?

عند دخول المَسجد قُلْ: بِسم الله، اللهمَّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ. اللهمَّ اغفر لي ذنوبي، وافتح لي أبوابَ رحمتِكَ.
When Entering the mosque say: In the name of Allah. O, Loard bless Mohammad O, Loard forgive me for my sins and open to me the doors of your mercy.

ماذا نقولُ عندَ الخروجِ من المَسجد؟

What Shall we say when we leave the mosque?

عند الخروج من المسجد قُلْ: بسم اللهْ، اللهمَّ صَلِّ على محّمدٍ. اللهمَّ اغفر لي ذنوبي وافتح لي أبوابَ فضلِك.
When leaving the mosque say: In the name of Allah. O, Loard bless Mohammad.
O, Loard forgive me for my sins and open to me the doors of your credit.



ماذا نقولُ عندَ النَّظر إلى السَّماء؟

What Shall we say when we look at the sky?

عندّ النَّظرِ إلى السّماء قُلْ: ربَّنا ما خلقتَ هذا باطلاً سُبحانكَ، فَقِنا عذابً النار.
When you look at the sky say: O, Our Loard Not for naught you created all this. Glory to you, Give us salvation from the chastisement of the fire. 

ماذا نقولُ عندَما نعطُس؟

What Shall we say when we sneeze?

إذا عطسَ أخوك المُسلم فَحمِدَ الله فشمِّتْهُ قائِلاً: يرحمُك الله.
If your Muslim brother sneezed and said: praise be to Allah. You must say to him: Allah bestow his mercy on you.

د.راجح السباتين

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



The Three Mosques

           Dr. Rajeh Sabateen

The Mosque

·                 The mosque is Allah’s house over the earth.
·                 Muslim likes the mosque and going there to pray in every day.
·                 When the Muslim goes to pray in the mosque, Allah, grants him a reward (hasana) for every step.
·                 And when he goes to the mosque, he must be of good appearance, nicely smelling, and casting peace on people alongside the road to the mosque.
·                 When he arrives at the mosque, he enters with his right leg, and with his left leg when he gets out of the mosque.
·                 In the mosque, the Muslim sees his friends, shakes hands with them, and when he sits, he must sit politely, calmly and never raise his voice.
·                 It is better when the Muslim sits in the mosque, to read or recite some of the Holy Quran.
·                 The prayer in the mosque is twenty seven times better than praying alone, or at home.
·                 And, the first mosque built on earth is Masjid al Haram at Makka Mukarrama, where the Honored Ka’aba is there sited.

Al-Masjid Al-Haram

·                 The Holy Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haram) is located at Makka Mukarrama.
·                 It is the first building meant for worshipping Allah on earth . further it is the best mosque over the whole globe, and prayer in it is worth one hundred thousand prayers at other mosques.
·                 His mosque is noticeable by the existence of Ka’aba at its courtyard.
·                 Prophet of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, encouraged Muslims to visit this mosque and pray in it.
·                 Muslim likes visiting this mosque and traveling to it for praying there.

Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa

·                 The farthest Mosque (Al-Masjid A­l-Aqsa) is located at the City of Jerusalem.
·                 It is the second oldest mosques over the globe.
·                 And prayer there is five hundred times better than prayer anywhere else in other mosques, except Masjid Al-Haram and the Prophetic Mosque.
·                 This mosque is well known for its old building architecture, too sizeable stones, with the too many columns and arches around it.
·                 Prophet Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, encouraged visiting this mosque (Al-Aqsa) and praying inside it.
·                 Muslim likes visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque and praying in it. Further.
·                 Muslim likes fighting and striving to liberate this mosque from the Israeli occupation.

Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi

·                 The Prophetic Mosques (Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi) is located at Madina Munawwara.
·                 It is the first mosque built by the Prophet of Allah and his companions in Madina Munawwara.
·                 Prayer there is one thousand times better than prayer anywhere else except prayers at Al-Aqsa and Masjid Haram.
·                 This mosque is well-known of its broad green dome, and the existence of the grave of Prophet Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him, as well as the graves of his two companions, Abi Baker and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, exactly beside the mosque.
·                 Prophet Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him encouraged visiting the Prophetic Mosque and praying there.
·                 Muslim likes visiting the Prophetic Mosque and traveling to pray there.


The Mosque

       §         المسجد هو بيت الله تعالى في الأرض

§     The mosque is Allah’s house over the earth.
   §   المسلم يحب المسجد ويحب الذهاب إليه للصلاة فيه كل يوم.

§     Muslim likes the mosque and going there to pray in every day.
   §   عندما يذهب المسلم للصلاة في المسجد فإن الله تعالى يكتب له حسنة عن كل خطوة.

§     When the Muslim goes to pray in the mosque, Allah, grants him a reward (hasana) for every step.
   §   عندما يذهب المسلم إلى المسجد فإنه يكون جميل المنظر وطيب الرائحة ويسلّم على الناس في الطريق.

§     And when he goes to the mosque, he must be of good appearance, nicely smelling, and casting peace on people alongside the road to the mosque.
   §   عندما يصل المسلم إلى المسجد فإنه يدخله برجله اليمنى وعندما يخرج منه فإنه يخرج برجله اليسرى.

§     When he arrives at the mosque, he enters with his right leg, and with his left leg when he gets out of the mosque.
   §   يرى المسلم أصدقاءه في المسجد ويسلم عليهم وعندما يجلس في المسجد فإنه يتحدث بهدوء وأدب ولا يرفع صوته.

§     In the mosque, the Muslim sees his friends, shakes hands with them, and when he sits, he must sit politely, calmly and never raise his voice.
   §   إذا جلس المسلم في المسجد فإنه من الأفضل له أن يقرأ بعضاً من القرآن الكريم.

§     It is better when the Muslim sits in the mosque, to read or recite some of the Holy Quran.
   §   صلاة الجماعة في المسجد أفضل من صلاة الفرد في بيته بسبع وعشرين مرة.

§     The prayer in the mosque is twenty seven times better than praying alone, or at home.
   §   إنّ أول مسجد بني على الأرض هو المسجد الحرام بمكة المكرمة، وفيه الكعبة المشرفة.

§     And, the first mosque built on earth is Masjid al Haram at Makka Mukarrama, where the Honored Ka’aba is there sited.

المسجد الحرام

Al-Masjid Al-Haram

       §         يقع المسجد الحرام في مدينة مكة المكرمة.

§     The Holy Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haram) is located at Makka Mukarrama.
   §   وهو أول بيت لله تعالى في الأرض كما أنه أفضل المساجد في الأرض كلها. والصلاة فيه خيرٌ من مائة ألف من الصلوات في المساجد الأخرى.

§     It is the first building meant for worshipping Allah on earth . further it is the best mosque over the whole globe, and prayer in it is worth one hundred thousand prayers at other mosques.
   §   يتميز هذا المسجد بوجود الكعبة المشرفة في ساحته.

§     His mosque is noticeable by the existence of Ka’aba at its courtyard.
   §   لقد شجع رسول الله r المسلمين على زيارة المسجد الحرام والصلاة فيه.

§     Prophet of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, encouraged Muslims to visit this mosque and pray in it.
   §   المسلم يحب زيارة المسجد الحرام والسفر للصلاة فيه.

§     Muslim likes visiting this mosque and traveling to it for praying there.

المسجد الأقصى

Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa

   §   يقع المسجد الأقصى في مدينة القدس. وهو ثاني أقدم المساجد على الأرض.

§     The farthest Mosque (Al-Masjid A­l-Aqsa) is located at the City of Jerusalem. It is the second oldest mosques over the globe.
   §   والصلاة فيه خيرٌ من خمسمائة صلاة في غيره من المساجد عدا المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي.

§     And prayer there is five hundred times better than prayer anywhere else in other mosques, except Masjid Al-Haram and the Prophetic Mosque.
   §   يتميز هذا المسجد ببنائه القديم وحجارته الكبيرة وكثرة وجود الأعمدة فيه والأقواس من حوله.

§     This mosque is well known for its old building architecture, too sizeable stones, with the too many columns and arches around it.
   §   لقد شجع الرسول r المسلمين على زيارة المسجد الأقصى والصلاة فيه.

§     Prophet Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, encouraged visiting this mosque (Al-Aqsa) and praying inside it.
   §   المسلم يحب زيارة المسجد الأقصى ويحب السفر للصلاة فيه.

§     Muslim likes visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque and praying in it. Further.
   §   المسلم يحب أن يجاهد لتحرير المسجد الأقصى من الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.

§     Muslim likes fighting and striving to liberate this mosque from the Israeli occupation.

المسجد النبوي

Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi

       §         يقع المسجد النبوي في المدينة المنورة.

§     The Prophetic Mosques (Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi) is located at Madina Munawwara.
   §   هو أول مسجد بناه الرسول r وأصحابه في المدينة المنورة.

§     It is the first mosque built by the Prophet of Allah and his companions in Madina Munawwara
   §   والصلاة فيه خير من ألف صلاة في المساجد الأخرى عدا المسجد الحرام والمسجد الأقصى.

§     Prayer there is one thousand times better than prayer anywhere else except prayers at Al-Aqsa and Masjid Haram.
   §   يتميز هذا المسجد بقبّته الخضراء الكبيرة، كما يتميز بوجود قبر الرسول r وقبري صاحبيه أبي بكر وعمر بن الخطاب بجوار المسجد تماما.

§     This mosque is well-known of its broad green dome, and the existence of the grave of Prophet Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him, as well as the graves of his two companions, Abi Baker and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, exactly beside the mosque.
   §   لقد شجع رسول الله r المسلمين  على زيارة المسجد النبوي والصلاة فيه.

§     Prophet Mohammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him encouraged visiting the Prophetic Mosque and praying there.
   §   المسلم يحب زيارة مسجد النبي ويحب السفر للصلاة فيه.

§     Muslim likes visiting the Prophetic Mosque and traveling to pray there.
د.راجح السباتين

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Let’s Learn More About

1.    The Holly Quran

2.    The Miracles

3.    The Group Prayer

4.    The Friday Prayer

5.    The Imam

6.    The Orator

7.    The Muslim Knight

8.    The Muslim Family

Dr. Rajeh Sabateen

The Holy Quran

·                 The Holy Quran is the Book of Allah, the Exalted, which revealed to upon the prophet, Mohammed ( Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), in Arabic language, started with Surat Al-Fatiha (the opener) and concluded with Surat Al-Nas (the humans).
·                 The Angel ordered to descend to Mohammad the prophet of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, with the Holy Quran is called Jibreel (Gabriel), peace be upon him.
·                 The Holy Quran was not revealed all of a sudden at one time to Prophet Mohammad, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), but lasted for twenty three years.
·                 The verses (Ayat) and Suras revealed to Mohammed the Prophet of Allah, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), before the (immigration to Madina) are called the Makki Quran.
·                 And, similarly, the Verses and Suras revealed to Mohammed, the Prophet of Allah, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), after immigration to Madina are called the Madani Quran.
There are many qualities the Holy Quran had had over other Divine Holy Books, most significant are
1.                    It is the speech of Allah, which is revealed to His prophet, Mohammed, (Peace and Blessings of Allah, be upon him.
2.                    It is the miracle, which nobody, whatsoever, cannot bring a similar book, nor even  a similar Ten Suras.
3.                    It is revealed in Arabic language.
4.                    Too many trustworthy, faithful and honest people took part in reporting it from the Prophet , Mohammed, ( Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), until it reached us exactly the same as first revealed without increase nor decrease even in one single letter.
5.                    Prayers are not accepted without reciting some of the Holy Quran.
6.                    He who reads even one letter of the Holy Quran shall win ten merits.
7.                    Holy Quran is readable and applicable at any time and place.

·                 The Holy Quran contains one hundred fourteen Suras. The Muslim must believe that the Holy Quran is the Book of Allah, the Exalted, revealed to his prophet, Mohammed, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him).
·                 The Muslim likes reading the Holy Quran every day and preserves it.

The Miracles
·                 The Miracle is a supernatural act superior to all what they have ever known, none except the prophets can bring miracles, because Almighty Allah gifted them that to be a proof of their truthfulness.
·                 The miracles, by turn, are not prophet’s make, but they are a special advantage and gift from Allah to them.
·                 Miracles are the greatest and most blatant evidences on that the prophets are sent by the Order of Allah, the Exalted.
·                 Miracles that appeared at the hands of the Prophets are various. That means every miracle suits the populate of the city or village where the prophet prevails; or otherwise, it is of the kind of the most significant thing people can do or act of crafts and deeds. In order to understand this, it is quite important to read the following examples:
·                 The people of Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, were very famous of eloquence, rhetoric, poetry, power of language. And the Prophet Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, came to them with the Miracle of the Holy Quran, the most eloquent and rhetoric book known by the mankind throughout ages.
·                 The people of Jesus, Peace be Upon Him, were famous of medicine. Thus their prophet, Jesus, came to them with medical miracles, such as resurrection of the dead, healing the blind and leprosy .
·                 People of the Moses , Peace be Upon Him, were famous of magic. Magic for them was an art and science. Thus, Prophet Moses came to them with miracles that defeat magic. For example, his stick was transformed into a giant snake, which ate their stick and robes. He also hit the sea with his stick and the sea was subdivided into a path of land, upon which  hardened mud Moses and his followers walked.
·                 The people of prophet Saleh, Peace be Upon Him, were renowned for their miraculous ability in engraving and digging rocks and mountains, then turning them into houses and residency places. Prophet Saleh, came to them with the Miracle of the She-Camel which he brought out from into the rocks.
·                 The Muslim must believe in all the miracles of the Prophets, inclusively.
·                 And he ought to believe that all the miracles are made under the orders and capability of Allah, not by the power of the Prophets, Peace be Upon Them.

The Group Prayer

·                 Prayer of the Muslim group: is the prayer performed by too many people at the same time in a very strict, straight  and regular rowing and rallying behind the Imam.
·                 The best place for performing this prayer is at the mosque. In the mosque, the group prayer is performed five times a day.
·                 The reward of the group prayer is tremendous by Allah the Almighty, in particular at the dawn and the after noon.
·                 The prayer within a group behind the Imam at the mosque is most prestigious over praying alone inasmuch twenty seven times.
·                 While performing the prayer within, the poor prays beside the rich, the mighty beside the weak, the young beside the old, with no differences among them.
·                 Further, the prayer within a group gets the Muslim accustomed to activity and vitality, cooperation, love and brotherhood.
The Friday prayer

          The Friday prayer is the prayer in which the Muslims perform the noon prayer in groups in mosques on Fridays.
Its is quite distinguished from other prayers with that it is:
1.                    Preceded by a lecture or preach called Friday preach.
2.                    It is only two raka’ats for those who perform it in the mosque.
3.                    Attending and performance of this prayer is mandatory for adult males, and the absenting it is prohibited, unless for reasons beyond the control of the adult male.
4.                    Friday is the most favorable day to Allah, the Exalted. And the Friday prayer is one of the most liked by Allah. In return its reward by Allah is the greatest over the whole week prayers.

The Imam

·                 The Imam is a man who leads the worshippers in the group prayer, who stands in front of them.
·                 The Imam is well characterized by high morals, conduct, deep and wide knowledge of the Islamic religion rules.
·                 The Imam is memorizing by heart many Suras of the Holy Quran as well as Sayings of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him.
·                 The Imam cooperates with the worshippers to do the good.
·                 And he teaches the Muslims the rules of the Islamic religion, as well as the right and proper way to recite the Holy Quran.
Note: the term “Imam” also indicates many other meanings, such as: (1) Ruler, (2) Responsible, (3) Prince, (4) High knowledgeable scholar in the rules and judgements of the religion.

The Orator

·                 When Muslims gather for prayer in the Mosque every Friday, a man steps up few steps of pulpit (minbar) then he stops at the end step to deliver a preach on the audience which is called “Friday preach”, this man is called the Orator (Khateeb).
·                 The orator is then the Muslim man who delivers the Friday Preach, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha preaches as well as the other occasions and prayers preaches.
·                 The orator is also well known of his high conduct and morals as well as wide knowledge in the Islamic religion rules.
·                 The orator is influent and eloquent, and capable to express and influence the audience.
·                 The orator is always tells the truth and never lies. He also always does what he preaches and says to others.
·                 The orator does not step up the pulpit on Fridays only, but also if important and urgent matters and special occasions tookplace. It is almost strictly not allowed for any two persons to talk together at the same time when the preacher is talking, nor is it allowed any person interrupting another. Thus it is imperative that all shall keep silent when the orator steps up the pulpit, and that we lend him a very well hearing ear.

The Muslim Knight

·                 The Muslim knight in the old times was riding the horse, putting on his shield, holding his sword and putting upon his shoulders the bag of his arrows.
·                 Time is always advancing, and weapons drastically developed. The Muslim knight made use of this advancement and drove vehicles, tanks, and warplanes and used the most sophisticated arms such as auto-guns, guns, and missiles.
·                 With the advancement of time and arms, the Muslim knight arms also develop, with the most decisive arm with the Muslim is “Full Reliance on Allah, the Almighty.”
·                 And even with the development of weapons and passage of time, the objectives of the Muslim knight remain steady unchanged, that is fighting for the way of Allah, defending Islam and Muslim territories, defending the aggrieved and unfairly treated people, help them and spread over the right and goodness.

The Muslim Family

·                 The Muslim family is the most important part of the society.
·                 If the family is good and sound we shall have a good and sound society.
·                 And if the family is not good, we shall have a bad society. The Muslim family is an active one, with love, and mercy prevailing among its members.
·                 It prays, likes Islam, and cooperates with other families in the community. In the Muslim family, parents love their children, and the children obey their parents and love them much.
القُرآن الكَريم

The Holy Quran

   §   القرآن الكريم: هو كتاب الله تعالى الذي أنزله على سيدنا محمد r باللغة العربية المبدوء بسورة الفاتحة المختوم بسورة الناس.

§      The Holy Quran is the Book of Allah, the Exalted, which revealed to upon the prophet, Mohammed (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), in Arabic language, started with Surat Al-Fatiha (the opener) and concluded with Surat Al-Nas (the humans).
   §   المَلَكُ الذي أمره الله تعالى بالنزول على الرسول محمد r بالقرآن الكريم هو جبريل عليه السلام.

§      The Angel ordered to descend to Mohammad the prophet of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, with the Holy Quran is called Jibreel (Gabriel), peace be upon him.
   §   لم ينزل القرآن الكريم على الرسول محمد r كلُّه مرةً واحدةً ولكنَّ نزوله استمر ثلاثاً وعشرين سنة.

§      The Holy Quran was not revealed all of a sudden at one time to Prophet Mohammad, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), but lasted for twenty three years.
   §   تُسمّى الآيات والسور القرآنية التي أنزلت على الرسول محمدr قبل الهجرة إلى المدينة القرآن المكي.

§      The verses (Ayat) and Suras revealed to Mohammed the Prophet of Allah, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), before the (immigration to Madina) are called the Makki Quran.
   §    وتُسمَّى الآيات والسور القرآنية التي أنزلت على الرسول r بعد الهجرة إلى المدينة القرآن المدني.

§      And, similarly, the Verses and Suras revealed to Mohammed, the Prophet of Allah, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), after immigration to Madina are called the Madani Quran.

هناك مجموعة من الصفات التي تمّيز بها القرآن الكريم على غيره من الكتب، أبرزها ما يلي:

There are many qualities the Holy Quran had had over other Divine Holy Books, most significant are
      1.           أنه كلام الله تعالى المنزل على الرسول r

      1.           It is the speech of Allah, which is revealed to His prophet, Mohammed, (Peace and Blessings of Allah, be upon him).
  2.    أنه مُعجِزٌ، لا يقدر أحد على الإتيان بمثله أو بمثل سورة منه.

      2.           It is the miracle, which nobody, whatsoever, cannot bring a similar book, nor even  a similar Ten Suras.
      3.           أنه مُنَزلٌ باللغة العربية.

      3.           It is revealed in Arabic language.
  4.    إن أعداداً كثيرة من الناس الصادقين الأُمَناء نقلته عن الرسول محمد rحتى  وصل إلينا كما نزل عليه دون زيادةِ أو نقصانِ حرفٍ واحدٍ.

      4.           Too many trustworthy, faithful and honest people took part in reporting it from the Prophet, Mohammed, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), until it reached us exactly the same as first revealed without increase nor decrease even in one single letter.
      5.           إن الصلاة غير مقبولةٍ إذا لم يُقرأ فيها بعض مِن القرآن الكريم.

      5.           Prayers are not accepted without reciting some of the Holy Quran.
  6.    إنّ مَن قرأ حرفاً من القرآن كتب الله له عشر حسنات.

      6.           He who reads even one letter of the Holy Quran shall win ten merits.
  7.    إن القرآن الكريم صالح للقراءة والتطبيق في كل زمان ومكان.

      7.           Holy Quran is readable and applicable at any time and place.
  8.    يحتوي القرآن الكريم على مائة وأربع عشرة سورة.

      8.           The Holy Quran contains one hundred fourteen Suras.
   §    يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بأن القرآن الكريم هو كتاب الله تعالى الذي أنزله على الرسول محمد r.

§      The Muslim must believe that the Holy Quran is the Book of Allah, the Exalted, revealed to his prophet, Mohammed, (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him).
   §   المسلم يحبُّ قراءة القرآن الكريم كل يوم ويحافظ عليه.

§      The Muslim likes reading the Holy Quran every day and preserves it.


The Miracles

   §   المعجزة هي أمرٌ خارقٌ لِمَا تعوَّد عليه الناس ولا يستطيع إنسان غير الرسل الإتيان بالمعجزات، لأنَّ الله تعالى وهَبها لهم وحدهم لتكون دليلاً على صدقهم.

§     The Miracle is a supernatural act superior to all what they have ever known, none except the prophets can bring miracles, because Almighty Allah gifted them that to be a proof of their truthfulness.
   §   ليست المعجزات من صنع الرسل ولكنها إكرامٌ من الله لهم.

§     The miracles, by turn, are not prophet’s make, but they are a special advantage and gift from Allah to them.
   §   المعجزات هي أكبر وأوضح الأدلة على أن الرسل مبعوثون إلى الناس بأمر الله تعالى.

§     Miracles are the greatest and most blatant evidences on that the prophets are sent by the Order of Allah, the Exalted.
   §   المعجزات التي ظهرت على أيدي الرسل متنوعة ومعنى ذلك: إنّ كلّ معجزة تناسبُ أهل البلد أو القرية التي يظهر فيها الرسول تكون من جنس ما برعوا به من الحرف والصنائع. وحتى نفهم هذا الكلام فإنه لا بد لنا أن نقرأ الأمثلة التالية:

§     Miracles that appeared at the hands of the Prophets are various. That means every miracle suits the populate of the city or village where the prophet prevails; or otherwise, it is of the kind of the most significant thing people can do or act of crafts and deeds. In order to understand this, it is quite important to read the following examples:
  v   اشتهر قومُ الرسول محمد  r بالفصاحة  والشعر وقوة اللغة فجاءهم الرسول محمد  r بمعجزة القرآن الكريم وهو أفصح وأبين كتاب عرفه البشرُ في حياتهم.

v     The people of Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, were very famous of eloquence, rhetoric, poetry, power of language. And the Prophet Mohammed, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, came to them with the Miracle of the Holy Quran, the most eloquent and rhetoric book known by the mankind throughout ages.
  v   اشتهر قومُ الرسول عيسى، عليه السلام بالطب فجاءهم الرسول عيسى، عليه السلام، بمعجزات طبيّةٍ كإحياء الموتى وإبراء العَمَى والبَرَص.

v     The people of Jesus, Peace be Upon Him, were famous of medicine. Thus their prophet, Jesus, came to them with medical miracles, such as resurrection of the dead, healing the blind and leprosy.
  v   واشتهر قوم الرسول موسى، عليه السلام، بالسحر وكان السحر عندهم علماً وفناً، فجاءهم الرسول موسى عليه السلام بالمعجزات التي تقهر السحر، ومن ذلك أن عصاه تحولَّت إلى حيّةٍ كبيرةٍ أكلت عصيَّهم وحِبَالهم، ومن ذلك أيضاً أنه ضرب البحر بعصاه فاٌنفلق البحر ومرَّ الرسول موسى وأتباعه فوق طينه وكان يابساً.

v     People of the Moses , Peace be Upon Him, were famous of magic. Magic for them was an art and science. Thus, Prophet Moses came to them with miracles that defeat magic. For example, his stick was transformed into a giant snake, which ate their stick and robes. He also hit the sea with his stick and the sea was subdivided into a path of land, upon which hardened mud Moses and his followers walked.
  v   اشتهر قوم الرسول صالح،عليه السلام، بنحت الصخور والجبال وتحويلها إلى بيوت وأماكن للسكن، فجاءهم الرسول صالح، عليه السلام، بمعجزة الناقة التي أخرجها من الصخر.

v     The people of prophet Saleh, Peace be Upon Him, were renowned for their miraculous ability in engraving and digging rocks and mountains, then turning them into houses and residency places. Prophet Saleh, came to them with the Miracle of the She-Camel which he brought out from into the rocks.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بمعجزات الرسل جميعها بلا استثناء.

§     The Muslim must believe in all the miracles of the Prophets, inclusively.
   §   يجب على المسلم أن يؤمن بأنّ المعجزات كلها تتم بإذن الله تعالى وقدرته لا بقدرة الرسل عليهم السلام.

§     And he ought to believe that all the miracles are made under the orders and capability of Allah, not by the power of the Prophets, Peace be Upon Them.

صَلاةُ الجَماعَة

The Group Prayer

   §   صلاة الجماعة هي أن يؤدي المسلمون الصلاة معاً خلف الإمام.

§     Prayer of the Muslim group: is the prayer performed by too many people at the same time in a very strict, straight and regular rowing and rallying behind the Imam.
   §   وأفضل مكان لأداء صلاة الجماعة هو المسجد، ففي المسجد تؤدى صلاة الجماعة خمس مرات كل يوم.

§     The best place for performing this prayer is at the mosque. In the mosque, the group prayer is performed five times a day.
   §   ثواب صلاة الجماعة عظيم عند الله تعالى وبالذات وقت الفجر ووقت العصر.

§     The reward of the group prayer is tremendous by Allah the Almighty, in particular at the dawn and the after noon.
   §   إن صلاة الجماعة في المسجد أفضل في ثوابها وأجرها من صلاة المسلم لوحده بسبع وعشرين مرة.

§     The prayer within a group behind the Imam at the mosque is most prestigious over praying alone inasmuch twenty seven times.
   §   في صلاة الجماعة يصلي الغني بجانب الفقير والقوي بجانب الضعيف والشاب بجانب العجوز، فلا فوارق بينهم.

§     While performing the prayer within, the poor prays beside the rich, the mighty beside the weak, the young beside the old, with no differences among them.

   §   إن صلاة الجماعة تعوّد المسلمين على النشاط والتعاون والمحبة والأخوة.

§     Further, the prayer within a group gets the Muslim accustomed to activity and vitality, cooperation, love and brotherhood.

صَلاةُ الجُمعَة

The Friday prayer

   §   صلاة الجمعة: هي أن يصلي المسلمون صلاة الظهر جماعة في المسجد كل يوم جمعة.

  §  The Friday prayer is the prayer in which the Muslims perform the noon prayer in groups in mosques on Fridays
   §   وتتميز صلاة الجمعة عن بقية الصلوات بما يلي:

   §  Its is quite distinguished from other prayers with that it is:
   §   إنها مسبوقة بخطبة وموعظة تسمّى (خطبة الجمعة).

   §  Preceded by a lecture or preach called Friday preach.
       §         إنها ركعتان فقط لمن يصليها في المسجد.

  §  It is only two raka’ats for those who perform it in the mosque.
   §   إن حضورها وتأديتها في المسجد واجب على الرجال والغياب عنها حرام إلاّ لمن كان عنده عذرٌ مقبولٌ.

    §  Attending and performance of this prayer is mandatory for adult males, and the absenting it is prohibited, unless for reasons beyond the control of the adult male.
   §   يوم الجمعة هو أحبُّ الأيام إلى الله تعالى وصلاة الجمعة أحبُّ الصلوات إلى الله وأجرها عند الله أعظم من أجر بقية الصلوات طوال الأسبوع.

     §  Friday is the most favorable day to Allah, the Exalted. And the Friday prayer is one of the most liked by Allah. In return its reward by Allah is the greatest over the whole week prayers.


The Imam

   §   الإمام: هو رجل مسلم يقود المصّلين في صلاة الجماعة ويقف أمامهم.

    §  The Imam is a man who leads the worshippers in the group prayer, who stands in front of them.
   §   يتصف الإمام بالأخلاق الحميدة والعلم الواسع بأحكام الدين الإسلامي.

   §  The Imam is well characterized by high morals, conduct, deep and wide knowledge of the Islamic religion rules.
   §   وحفظه للكثير من سور القرآن الكريم وأحاديث الرسول r.

     §  The Imam is memorizing by heart many Suras of the Holy Quran as well as Sayings of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him.
       §         يتعاون الإمام مع المصلين لعمل الخير.

   §  The Imam cooperates with the worshippers to do the good.
   §   يعلم الإمام المسلمين أحكام الدين الإسلامي والطريقة الصحيحة لقراءة القرآن الكريم.

  §  And he teaches the Muslims the rules of the Islamic religion, as well as the right and proper way to recite the Holy Quran.
   §   ملاحظة: وكلمة إمام تدل على العديد من المعاني ومنها 1. الحاكم 2. المسؤول 3. الأمير 4. العالم بأحكام الدين.

      §  Note: the term “Imam” also indicates many other meanings, such as: (1) Ruler, (2) Responsible, (3) Prince, (4) High knowledgeable scholar in the rules and judgements of the religion.


The Orator

   §عندما يتجمع الناس للصلاة في المسجد كل يوم جمعة يصعد رجلً درجات المنبر ثم يقف عند آخرها ويلقي على الناس موعظة تُسّمى خطبة الجمعة ويُسّمى هذا الرجل (خطيباً).

§     When Muslims gather for prayer in the Mosque every Friday, a man steps up few steps of pulpit (minbar) then he stops at the end step to deliver a preach on the audience which is called “Friday preach”, this man is called the Orator (Khateeb).

   §فالخطيب هو الرجل المسلم الذي يلقي على الناس خطبة الجمعة وخطبة عيد الفطر وعيد الأضحى وخطب المناسبات الأخرى.

§     The orator is then the Muslim man who delivers the Friday Preach, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha preaches as well as the other occasions and prayers preaches.


   §ويتصف الخطيب بالأخلاق الحميدة والعلم الواسع بأحكام الدين الإسلامي.

§     The orator is also well known of his high conduct and morals as well as wide knowledge in the Islamic religion rules.


   §للخطيب لسان فصيح قادر على التعبير والتأثير على الناس.

§     The orator is influent and eloquent, and capable to express and influence the audience.

   §الخطيب يقول الصدق دائماً ولا يكذب، كما أنه ينفِّذ الكلام الذي يقوله دائماً.

§     The orator is always tells the truth and never lies. He also always does what he preaches and says to others.


   §لا يصعد الخطيب إلى المنبر يوم الجمعة فقط بل يصعد إليه كلما تقع أمور ضرورية ومناسبات هامة يتحدث فيها الخطيب إلى الناس.

   §ليس من الجميل أن يتكلم شخصان في الوقت ذاته وليس من الجميل أن يقاطع شخص حديث شخص آخر. ولذلك فإنه من المهم أن نصمت عندما يتكلم الخطيب على المنبر وأن نستمع جيداً لما يقول.

§     The orator does not step up the pulpit on Fridays only, but also if important and urgent matters and special occasions tookplace.

§     It is almost strictly not allowed for any two persons to talk together at the same time when the preacher is talking, nor is it allowed any person interrupting another. Thus it is imperative that all shall keep silent when the orator steps up the pulpit, and that we lend him a very well hearing ear.

الفَارِسُ المُسلم

The Muslim knight

   §   كان الفارس المسلم في قديم الزمان يركب الحصان ويلبس درعه ويحمل سيفه، وعلى كتفه كنانة سهامه.

§     The Muslim knight in the old times was riding the horse, putting on his shield, holding his sword and putting upon his shoulders the bag of his arrows.
   §   تقدم الزمان و تطورت الأسلحة واستفاد الفارس المسلم من ذلك فركب السيارات والدبابات والطائرات وأخذ يستخدم الأسلحة الحديثة كالبنادق والرشاشات والصواريخ

§     Time is always advancing, and weapons drastically developed. The Muslim knight made use of this advancement and drove vehicles, tanks, and warplanes and used the most sophisticated arms such as auto-guns, guns, and missiles.
   §   ومع تقدم الزمان وتطور السلاح تتقدم أسلحة الفارس المسلم وتتطور، ويبقى أهم سلاح فيها التوكل على الله.

§     With the advancement of time and arms, the Muslim knight arms also develop, with the most decisive arm with the Muslim is “Full Reliance on Allah, the Almighty.”

   §   ومع تقدم الزمان وتطور السلاح تبقى أهداف الفارس المسلم ثابتة لا تتغير، وهي القتال في سبيل الله والدفاع عن الإسلام وبلاد المسلمين والدفاع عن المظلومين ونصرهم ونشر الحق والخير.

§     And even with the development of weapons and passage of time, the objectives of the Muslim knight remain steady unchanged, that is fighting for the way of Allah, defending Islam and Muslim territories, defending the aggrieved and unfairly treated people, help them and spread over the right and goodness.

الأُسْرَةُ المُسلِمَة

The Muslim Family

   §   إن الأسرة المسلمة هي أهم جزء من أجزاء المجتمع.

§     The Muslim family is the most important part of the society.
   §   إذا كان الأسرة صالحة كان لدينا مجتمع صالح وإذا كانت الأسرة فاسدة كان لدينا مجتمع فاسد.

§     If the family is good and sound we shall have a good and sound society.
   §   الأسرة المسلمة نشيطة تسودها المحبة والرحمة.

§     And if the family is not good, we shall have a bad society. The Muslim family is an active one, with love, and mercy prevailing among its members.
   §   الأسرة المسلمة تصلي وتحب الإسلام وتتعاون مع بقية الأسر في المجتمع.

§     It prays, likes Islam, and cooperates with other families in the community.

   §   في الأسرة المسلمة يحب الوالدان أولادهم ويطيع الأولاد والديهم ويحبّونهم كثيراً.

§     In the Muslim family, parents love their children, and the children obey their parents and love them much.
 د.راجح السباتين

التّشهُّد والصلاة الإبراهيمية

التّشهد: "التّحياتُ لله والصّلواتُ والطّيبات، السّلامُ عليكَ أيُّها النبي ورحْمة الله وبركاتُه، السّلامُ علينا وعلى عباد اللهِ الصّالحين، أشهدُ أن لا إلهَ إلا الله وَأشهدُ أنّ محمداً عَبْدهُ ورسولُه".
الصّلاة الإبراهيميّة: "اللهمَّ صَلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وعلى آل مُحمدٍ كما صلّيتَ على إبراهيم وَعَلى آلِ إبراهيم، وبارك على مُحمّد وَعَلى آلِ مُحَمّدٍ كما باركتَ على إبراهيمَ وَعَلى آلِ إبراهيمَ في العالمينَ إنَّكَ حميدٌ مَجيد".
Words of Witness
“Greetings and prayers and the good things of life are belonging to Allah. The peace and mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you O Prophet. Peace be upon us and on the devout slaves of Allah. I give witness that there is no God but Allah, and I give witness that Muhammad is His slave and prophet.

The Prayer of Abraham
“O Lord, bless Muhammad and his family as You Blessed Abraham and his family. Give Your blessing to Muhammad and his family as You gave Your blessing to Abraham and his family. In the worlds You are the most praised, the most wonderful”.

An easy way to memorise the words of witness and the prayer of Abraham in Arabic
طريقة سهلة لحفظ التشهد والصلاة الإبراهيمية باللغة العربية:
Attaheiato, Lellah Wa Assalawaato Wa Attayebat. Assalamo Alaika Ayyoha Annabeio Wa Rahmato Allah Wa Barakatoh. Assalamo Alaina Wa Ala Ebado Allah Assaleheen. Ashhado An La Elaha Ella Alla Wa Ashhado Anna Mohammadan Abdoho Wa Rasoloh. Allahomma Salli Ala Mohammaden Wa Ala Ale Mohammaden Kama Sallita Ala Ibraheem Wa Ala Ale Ibraheem, Wa Barek Ala Mohammaden Wa Ala Ale Mohammaden Kama Barakta Ala Ibraheem Wa Ala Ale Ibraheem. Fel Alameen, Innaka Hamedon Majeed.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



The Five Pillars

of Islam

Dr. Rajeh Sabateen

أركان الإسلام
Five Pillars of Islam

قال رسول الله r: بني الإسلامُ على خمس:

The Prophet Mohammad Said: Islam is built on five:

1.  شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأنّ محمداً رسولُ الله.

1. Giving witness that there is no God but Allah, Mohammad is the Prophet of Allah. 
2. إقامُ الصلاة.

2. To perform the Prayer.
3. إيتاءُ الزكاة.

3. To Pay Zakat.
4. صومُ رمضان.

4. To Fast in Ramadan
5. حجُّ البيتِ من استطاعَ إليه سبيلا.

5. To make the Pilgrimage to the Kabah to the one who is able.

The two words of witness

1- الشّهادتان هما:
أ. أن نشهد أن لا إله إلا الله.

ب. وأنَّ مُحمداً رسول الله

1- The two words of witness are:
A- To give witness that there is no god but Allah.
B- And to give witness that Mohammad is his prophet.

2- معنى الشهادتين
2- The meaning of these words is:
أنّنا لا نعبدُ ربّاً غير الله تعالى، وأنّ محمداً هو رسول بعثه الله للناس كلهم.
We, Muslims, do not worship a god but Allah. And we believe that Mohammad is a prophet sent by Allah to all people.

3- الشّهادتان هُما أهمُّ أساس في دين الإسلام.
3- The two words of witness are the very most important pillar of Islam.

4- الطفل المسلم يحبُ الله تعالى ويعبده، لأنّ الله تعالى هو الذي خلقنا و رزقنا أنواع النّعيم.
4- Muslim likes Allah and worships him because he created us and gave us all kinds of gifts.

5- الطفل المسلم يحبُّ رسول الله مُحمداً، عليه السلام، لأنّه هو الذي علّمنا القرآن والإسلام.
5- Muslim likes Mohammad the prophet of Allah because he taught us the Qur’an and Islam.


1- الصَّلاة هي الأساس الثاني في دين الإسلام.
1- Prayer is the Second pillar of Islam.

2- الطفلُ المسلم يصلّي لله تعالى خمسَ مراتٍ كل يوم.
2- Muslim prays five times every day.

3- الطفل المسلم يحبُّ الصّلاة، ويحبُ الذهاب إلى المسجد ليصلّي الجَماعة.
3- Muslim likes to pray. And he likes to go to the mosque to offer prayer in a congregation.

4- إن الوالدين يحبّانِ ابنهما الذي يصلّي.
4- Parents like their son/daughter who offers five prayers.

5- إنّ الله تعالى يحبُّ المسلمين الذين يصلّون.
5- Allah likes Muslims who offer prayers.


1- الزّكاة هي الأساس الثالث في دين الإسلام
1- Zakat is the third pillar of Islam.

2- الزّكاةُ: هي أموال يدفعها المسلمون الأغنياء إلى الفقراء، لِتُساعدهم في حياتهم.
2- Zakat is: Money paid by the rich Muslims to the poor, to help them in their life.

3- دفع الزكاة يؤدي إلى وجود المحبّة بين الناس.
3- Paying Zakat leads to love among people.

4- الطفل المسلم يحب المسلمين، ويحب أن يساعد الفقراء.
4- Muslim likes Muslims, and he likes to help the poor people.

5- إنّ الوالدين يُحبّان ابنهما الذي يساعد الفقراء.
5- Parents like their son/daughter who helps poor people.

6- إنّ الله تعالى يحبُ المسلمين الذين يدفعون الزّكاة، ويساعدون الناس.
6- Allah likes Muslims who pay Zakat, and help people.

صَومُ رمضان
Fasting in Ramadan

1- صومُ رمَضان هو الأساسُ الرابعُ في دين الإسلام.
1- Fasting the whole month of Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam.

2- الصّوم: هو تركُ الطعامِ والشّراب من الفجر حتى غروبِ الشمس كل يوم في رمضان.
2- Fasting is: to leave eating and drinking from dawn until the sunset in each day during the month of Ramadan.

3- الطفل المسلم يحب أن يصومَ شهر رمضان المبارك كله.
3- Muslim likes to fast the whole holy month of Ramadan.

4- الطفل المسلم يحب شهر رمضان، لأنّهُ شهر مبارك أنزَلَ فيه اللهُ تعالى القرآنَ الكريم.
4- Muslim likes Ramadan, because it is a very blessed month during which Allah sent down the holy Qur’an.

5- إنّ الوالدين يُحبّانِ ابنهما الذي يصوم شهر رمضان.
5- Parents like their son/daughter who fasts the month of Ramadan.

6- إنّ الله تعالى يحبُّ المسلمين الذين يصومون شهر رمضان.
6- Allah likes Muslims who fast the month of Ramadan.


1- الحجُّ هو الأساس الخامس في دين الإسلام.
1- Pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam.

2- الحجُّ: هو أن يسافرَ المسلِمُ إلى الكَعبَة في مدينة مكة المكرمة ليقوم بأعمال مثل الطواف حول الكعبة، والوقوف بجبلِ عرفة…
2- Pilgrimage is: the Muslim’s travel to the Ka’bah in the city of Mekkah to perform some blessed actions such as circling the Ka’bah and to halt in the mountain of Arafat…

3- يجب على المسلم أن يذهب للحجِّ مرة واحدة في حياته.
3- Muslim must go to perform pilgrimage once a life.

4- الطفل المسلم يحب الذهاب إلى الحجِّ عندما يكبر.
4- The little Muslim likes to perform pilgrimage when he grows up.

5- إنَّ الله تعالى يحب المسلمين الذين يذهبون للحجّ، وقد وعدهم بأن يسامحهم ويمحوَ سيئاتهم.
5- Allah likes Muslims who go to perform pilgrimage, and he promised to forgive them and to erase their sins.